SS40K - In the Sights

With regards to all I have posted in the last two days, I see the following as a few midrange goals going forward regarding 40K, Age of Sigmar, and Army Building. The status of my unbuilt collection should weigh on this, as well as there are a few purchases I made recently that should be brought up... Much to my chagrin.

New Sets 

There have been a few sets that were announced during the Warhammer Weekend that has my wallet at attention. Dominion (AoS), The Ork Beast Snaggas Box (40K), and a Grey Knights/Thousand Sons Box.

Age of Sigmar

My recent purchases here are: Lord Kroak, Kragnos, and Drycha's Spitegrove, the First being a purchase I've had on my list since Age of Sigmar began, the middle model based on it's relevance to Destruction Armies as well as the plot (The Slannesh Twins are very minor in the same regard). The Spitegrove was picked up due mostly to wanting to pick up Alarielle's Lieutenant, and the cost-savings (The Revenants are overpriced at the moment, but one entirely for free isn't bad by any stretch).

Dominion is upon us, been foretold in the prophecies since obvious signs of AoS3.0 were upon us and Indomitus' success last year. I'll be getting my hands on one when the time comes, and that is probably where both the Kruelboyz and new Stormcast factions will sit at for the foreseeable future.

Big Boxes coming in the future aren't as high on my priority list as in the past because I have a lot of things that are likely to see reprint. Things I am watching for in particular are: NEWEST Hedonites of Slaanesh, Fyreslayers or Idoneth Deepkin (I feel okay with where they are at, what I want is their armies to get new models), and Lumineth Realm-Lords and Ossiarch Bonereapers (Both need Start Collecting Sets, or Big Solo Boxes to really flesh out the tiny selection of models I have for each).

There is also a nice collection of one off kits that I need to pick up for a lot of factions, but they add so little in comparison to big boxes.

Grey Knights (And Thousand Sons??!?)

I'm at a comfortable stopping point with the army as of now. The dreams I have about what the contents of the aforementioned box would put a nice cap on where the army can end (again). Expansion is a 2nd box each of Strike Squad and Paladins/Terminators, plus a Dreadknight and another HQ choice. Since my boxset dream is all of those minus a Dreadknight (Or a Dreadknight in place of the Paladins), getting that box would be key.

That leads to what I had bought to start Thousand Sons: A Start Collecting Box (10 Rubric Marines, 10 Tzaangor, and Ahriman), and The Fractal Blades (5 Scarab Occult Terminators and some Terrain, courtesy of my FLGS that has recently lost every old big box. Mostly to my own FOMO, but as I always say, GW FOMO isn't exactly FOMO). There's a lot of parallels between what I have for both forces, as well as what I think will be in the Big Box. I'm hoping for 10 Rubrics, 5 Scarab Occult Termies, and a Chaos Sorcerer on Disc, which would pinch that collection off at a really nice point as well.

If either side gets everything that I want for it, I will 100% try to get a box.

Orks (or What I think of Beast Snaggas)

I don't think we've seen everything for this Ork sub-faction, as a Boss and some behemoth of a model is still probably waiting. I like the Squighog-Riders (Silly replacement for Bikers), but the regular Beast-Snaggas are kinda meh. There's a rumor of new Ork Boyz as well, and, I'm not sure I need them if I can pick up the old ones that fit the army a little better for cheap. 

There's an uncanny valley for the new box: Either Beast-Snaggas are a faction I can build alone and the box is helpful, or they're just a subset of the greater Ork Army and having them is just a little situational, but stray too far from one or the other and I don't feel I need the infantry, which punts the need for the new box into orbit.

... Imperial Guard???!?!!?!?!

I mentioned the idea of a Grand Campaign, and well, if I'm going to host the whole thing on an Imperial world, they likely have Guard first and foremost to protect the citizens of the Imperium. I have two sets of Cadian Defense Force and a Scions Start Collecting that put a good solid cap on where I want the army to be at for now.

The point here is that while Thousand Sons seem like a really good place to go next, it's the Guard that will hold my attention for the Start Small 40K Project.


As they just came out, it's worth mentioning my thoughts here. I got one for buying things in June, but there's something just a little expensive about this army. Maybe I'd feel a little different if I had the Launch's Starting Box, but there is barely enough there to whet my appetite.


This covers my opinion on all the new stuff on the horizon. Biggest things left to do on the Hobby Agenda are the Yearly Inventory, and to finish building all the AoS New-In-Boxes.

Hoping I inspire, Thanks for reading!
