The Start Small 40K Project Begins

Today, I kick off my Start Small 40K Project

Goal: Own every 40K Army. But build, paint, and play with them piecemeal and slowly over time instead of buying all of them at one time.

Complication #1: I already have a lot of boxes of 40K models. Silver lining is that a few of these armies are already in the small state (Some armies have a LOT). Grudgingly, I'm starting with an army I liked and bought stuff for instead of using what I already had.

Complication #2: A few models in the 40K ranges are slowly going unavailable. I wanted to do a Dark Eldar army before this (since I had a lot), and came to find out Wracks and Haemonculus models are no longer available since the Codex came out... And I don't know if they'll be restocked anytime soon, things are weird in this post-Covid world.

First up: Grey Knights

Why Grey Knights? I was recently spraying Necrons and one of the color scheme I decided upon had a very blue-tinge that I sort of wanted to do (see below). In the moment of committing  to start this project in this manner, I realized that it would be a great scheme for the Grey Knights, and thought of doing that army instead (Goodbye Tomb Kings in Space). Plus having several armies of Demons (because I play Age of Sigmar) for them to chew through, and liking the old Space Marines armors for the faction (No dig at the Primaris, the 5th-7th Ed Sculpts are just cooler for the older Space Marine factions).

I started by buying everything Grey Knights that was at the local Warhammer store: 1 Strike Force Box, 1 Paladin Squad Box, and 1 Grand Master Voldus. I'll note the contradiction of starting this project with completely new models, instead of the hundreds I have, but since they were the ones I gravitated toward with the project in mind, I gave in to the urges.

I also included a Librarian in Terminator Armor that was part of my Dark Angels that I think would fit better in this army (pictured below with my completed Dark Angels Librarian from the Starter Set... on a pile of dirt because basing ideas aren't my strong suit).

I built Grand Master Voldus first, because it had the fewer choices to make for how to build. I don't like using named characters, so I'm likely to use this as a generic Grand Master. I'm also a sucker for not converting units and keeping them as they are, so I might use it as the profile, but he's generic. I'll probably name him Greg. Greg the Grey Knight.

I need troops for certain, and for that, it's either 2 Strike Squads or a Strike Squad and a Terminator Squad. I don't want to use the first Paladin Box on a Troops choice, so it's 2 Strike Squads. But that will be next time!
